Monday, December 12, 2016

Happy Holidays!

I just have a few reminders and announcements for you...

  • Parent-Teacher Conferences are being held this week.  If you are uncertain of the time and/or date you have signed up for, please let me know.  Also, there is NO SCHOOL on Wednesday (the 14th) due to conferences.
  • Friday is our Kindergarten Caroling.  We will perform in the amphitheater at 1:30.  Cookies and hot chocolate to follow on the kindergarten playground.  If you have signed up to bring something in for our performance, please have it here by Thursday so we can plan accordingly.  Thank you!
  • Friday is also pajama and Santa hat day!
  • NO school December 19th-January 2nd due to Winter Break.  Classes resume on Tuesday, January 3rd.
Hope you all have a happy and healthy holiday season filled with love, laughter, family and friends.  Enjoy!!!

:)  Mrs. Kalnicki

Monday, December 5, 2016

Kindergarten News

Kindess Elves- Today we had our first visit from our Kindness Elves.  Each day our Kindness Elves will deliver a special message about being kind.  Be sure to ask your child about the Kindness Elves when they come home.  Today the kindness elves asked us to give a complement to someone.  I hope that this will be a rewarding experience for your child!

Parent Teacher Conferences - Conferences will take place the week of
December 12th.  There is no school on Wednesday, December 14th to allow for a full day of conferences.  Our conference should be scheduled through the front office.  Please call (702) 799-2274 to schedule your conference. 

Book Orders  I will place our December book order tomorrow evening.  If you would like to use your coupon to order books, please place your order before the end of school tomorrow (otherwise you might not receive your books until after the winter break).  Thanks so much!

Kindergarten Caroling Our class will perform on Friday, December 16th at 1:30 PM.  A letter is coming home today with more information about this event.  There will be a sign-up sheet on the the back of our pick up door if you would like to volunteer to help with this event.  Thanks so much!
This is also Santa Hat and Pajama Day!

What We are Learning…

Thematic Big Book/Shared Reading: This week we are reading  The Gingerbread Boy.  We will retell the story, learn new vocabulary words, answer text dependent questions, compare the story with other versions and even write an alternate ending!  
Phonics:  We will work on handwriting, letter sounds and using letters and sounds to spell and read words.  This week we will focus on the letters Dd and Gg.  
Sight Words: FOR and WITH
Writing: We are working on writing sentences and sounding out words.  We are also working on the writing process. First we think, then we sketch, then we write, then we re-read and add to the pictures and words.  At this point I would like all students at least attempting to write more than one sentence.   
Math: This week we will begin comparing numbers (more, fewer, greater, less and equal)
Science: This week we will think about how we could help the Gingerbread Boy safely accross the river and we will build a bridge using marshmallows and toothpicks).  

Spirit Days

Friday, December 16th-Pajama Day/Santa Hat Day

 Water Bottles

Please remember to send your child with a water bottle each day.  

Helpful Websites