Monday, March 27, 2017

Chickens Aren't the Only Ones

Field Trip- We had a great time on our field trip to the Smith Center. The play was great, but the kids LOVED the bus! LOL

Self Portrait T-shirt- Our order should go out sometime this week.  The kids did a great job on their self portraits.  The shirts are going to be adorable!  We will get the shirts sometime before kindergarten promotion (more information coming soon).

Snacks-  Our class needs snacks.  Please also consider donating water bottles, I give them to kids when they forget their own because we don’t have a water fountain.  With the weather warming up the kids are really going through them pretty quick. Thanks!

Kona Ice- Kona Ice will be on the large playground after school on Fridays.  Kindergarten students are welcome to purchase Kona Ice but will need a parent present to help navigate the crowd. Thanks!

Reading Group Books- Please help your child practice reading his or her book at home, then ask your child to close the book and retell the story.  Students need to be able to retell the stories they are reading before they can move up to the next level.  Thanks for your help!

What We are Learning…

Thematic Big Book/Shared Reading- This week we will study a book called Chickens Aren’t the Only Ones, and we will learn about oviparous animals.
Phonics- We will work on handwriting, letter sounds and using letters and sounds to spell and read words.  This week we will focus on digraphs (ch, sh, wh, and th).
Writing- This week we will begin working on the writing process to create a class book.  Look for a Student Treasures order form to come home this week.
Math-This week we will work on composing teen numbers into groups of tens and ones.

Spirit Days & Classroom Events
March 31:      80's Day
April 7:           Hat Day
April 10-14:   Spring Break
April 21st      PTA Spring Carnival
April 28th      Kindergarten Field Day (More Information Coming Soon)

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Field Trip Tomorrow!

Field Trip Tomorrow!  Our bus leaves at 10:30 and we return to school around 1:45.  We will not have lunch until we return, but we will have a snack before we leave for the trip.  We have some snacks, or your child can pack something special.

Please make sure your child is dressed in uniform and has their lunch (unless you checked school lunch).  It's going to be awesome!!!

Students do not need a backpack tomorrow, but it's fine if they bring one.

Pictures- Spring pictures went home, however the class pictures will not be here until next week.

Have a great night, make sure your kiddos get lots of sleep for our big day tomorrow!

Mrs. Kalnicki

Monday, March 20, 2017

Field Trip Week!

Field Trip on Friday- We are super excited for our field trip on Friday!
Please make sure that your child arrives to school on time this Friday.
Please dress your child in uniform colors, preferably a Stuckey shirt.
Please make sure your child has a packed lunch (unless you indicated your child would purchase lunch from school) and a snack.  We will not be eating lunch until we return from the field trip so we would like all students to have a snack before we go.

Self Portrait T-shirt.  These are very special shirts that we would like students to wear for kindergarten promotion.  If you would like to purchase a shirt please fill out the form and return it with your payment as soon as possible, I need to send out the classroom order by Thursday. The drawing for the shirt will be done at school. I have my shirt from last year if you would like to see what it looks like.  They are really cute!

Leprechaun Traps-  The Leprechaun Traps are amazing!  Check out the traps here!

Blue Ribbon Shirts-  Our school is selling Blue Ribbon Shirts for $7.00.  All orders are due by March 24th.

Snacks-  Our class needs snacks.  Please also consider donating water bottles.  Thanks!

Reading Group Books- Please help your child practice reading his or her book at home, then ask your child to close the book and retell the story.  Students need to be able to retell the stories they are reading before they can move up to the next level.  Thanks for your help!

What We are Learning…

Thematic Big Book/Shared Reading: In preparation for our field trip we will read Peter Rabbit and other Beatrix Potter stories. 
Phonics:  We will work on handwriting, letter sounds and using letters and sounds to spell and read words.  This week we will focus on long vowel sounds.  We are learning that "bossy e" tells the vowel to say it's name.  
Sight Words: review
Writing: This week we will finish our book reports and begin writing brochures telling about something we are really into (sports, video games, playing at the park, checkers, etc).
Math: This week we will continue working on number bonds to solve addition and subtraction problems and stories.  Click here for an explanation of number bonds. 

Lexia is a great way for your child to practice literacy skills at home! I would love to see your child spend at least 15 minutes working on Lexia each evening. If you have not started using Lexia at home, you will need your child's student ID and my email-

Spirit Days & Classroom Events

March 24:      Field Trip- Peter Rabbit
March 31:      80's Day
April 7:           Hat Day
April 10-14:   Spring Break

 Water Bottles - Please remember to send your child with a water bottle each day. 


Helpful Websites

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Leprechaun Traps

I sure hope we catch a leprechaun with one of these amazing traps! They are pretty awesome!

Monday, March 13, 2017

News of the Week

News of the Week

THANK YOU! Thanks so much to everyone who came in and read to our class for Nevada Reading Week.  We really enjoyed hearing stories read by so many family and friends.  Activities like these go a long way when it comes to developing a love of reading.

Self Portrait T-shirt.  These are very special shirts that we would like students to wear for kindergarten promotion.  If you would like to purchase a shirt please fill out the form and return it with your payment as soon as possible. I have my shirt from last year if you would like to see what it looks like.  They are really cute!

Backpacks-  Please go through your child's backpack tonight.  Lots of papers are coming home today.  Thank you!

Leprechaun Traps-  The Leprechaun Traps are amazing!  I'll post pictures and share on Thursday.  Great job parents!

Blue Ribbon Shirts-  Our school is selling Blue Ribbon Shirts.  A paper went home today.

Field Trip- Kindergarten is going on a Field Trip!  On March 24th we will go to the Smith Center to see Peter Rabbit! Please make sure to return your child's permission slip and donation if you haven't already. Thank you!

Reading Group Books- There are no reading group books this week, instead we will be reading a reader's theater.  Look for it to come home Tuesday or Wednesday.  Thanks!

Snacks-  Our class is getting low on snacks!  Thanks!

What We are Learning…

Thematic Big Book/Shared Reading: This week we are reading and comparing different versions of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
Phonics:  We will work on handwriting, letter sounds and using letters and sounds to spell and read words.  This week we are reviewing word families that we have already learned.
Sight Words: review
Writing: This week we will work on book reports.  We are practicing summarizing the story or telling it "really short". 
Math: This week we will begin working on number bonds to solve addition and subtraction problems and stories.  Click here for an explanation of number bonds. 

Lexia is a great way for your child to practice literacy skills at home! I would love to see your child spend at least 15 minutes working on Lexia each evening. If you have not started using Lexia at home, you will need your child's student ID and my email-

Spirit Days & Classroom Events

March 17:      Green Day
March 24:      Field Trip- Peter Rabbit
March 31:      80's Day
April 7:           Hat Day
April 10-14:   Spring Break

 Water Bottles - Please remember to send your child with a water bottle each day. 


Helpful Websites

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Just a Few Notes!

Good Morning!

Field Trip Volunteers- Thank you so much to everyone who volunteered to chaperone our field trip.  I wish that you could all go, but we are limited by the Smith Center.  The chaperones for this trip will be Mrs. Mannino and Mrs. Mavromatis.  Thanks again!  

Book Fair- Our class has library today so students will be able to shop during library.  

Spirit Day- Today is Read My Shirt day... Just a shirt you can read.  :)

Have a great day!

Mrs. Kalnicki

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Nevada Reading Week!

* Today- I will be out of the classroom today, please call the office if you need to make changes to your child's transportation schedule.  You must call from a number they have on file to verify your identity.  Thank you!

Stuckey Nevada Reading Week Events 

Monday, March 6th- Dr. Seuss Day: Dress up as your favorite Dr. Seuss character.
Tuesday, March 7th- Read My Shirt Day
Wednesday, March 8th- Favorite Character Day: Dress up as your favorite storybook character.  Bring the book your character is in.
Thursday, March 9th- Camp Out with a Good Book: Dress up in your camping or hiking gear.
Friday, March 10th- Read and Read and Read S'more Outdoors: Wear your comfy clothes or sweats and get ready to read outside.  Dads and Donuts (8:30 a.m. in the multipurpose room). 

Guest Reader Schedule- Thanks so much to everyone who has volunteered to read to our class! Below is a copy of the schedule that I made for next week.  Please let family members know their assigned time.  I will not be here on Monday, but if you would like to read during any other open spot please just let me know. Also, it doesn't have to be this week.  We would love volunteers to come and read throughout the year.  Just let me know when you are available.

Katie Bustos
CCSN Baseball Player
Lisa Pike
Maggie Buchanan
Danny Welsh

Chance Mannino
Brett Fields
Teacher Swap
Edward Gutierrez
Timithy Lee Callaway
Suzanne Mannino
Ali Jun
Rachele Barret
Susie Johnson

Gracie Gutierrez
Tina or Dan
Averie’s Grandparents

Brianna Robinson

Self Portrait T-shirt.  These are very special shirts that we would like students to wear for kindergarten promotion.  If you would like to purchase a shirt please fill out the form and return with your payment as soon as possible. I have my shirt from last year if you would like to see what it looks like.  They are really cute!

Field Trip- Kindergarten is going on a Field Trip!  On March 24th we will go to the Smith Center to see Peter Rabbit! Please make sure to return your child's permission slip and donation if you haven't already. Thank you!

Reading Group Books- All students should have a reading group book, please make sure that the book comes to school everyday!  Thank you!

Sharing Box-From now on, when your child is the star student, he or she will get to bring home the sharing box to pack show and tell for the next day.  There is a letter in the box with details.  Please just make sure the sharing box comes back the next day so another student can have a turn.  Thanks!

Friday, March 3, 2017

Just a Few Notes

Tonight your child will bring home a T-shirt order form for a Self Portrait T-shirt.  These are very special shirts that we would like students to wear for kindergarten promotion.  If you would like to purchase a shirt please fill out the form and return with your payment as soon as possible. I have my shirt from last year if you would like to see what it looks like.  They are really cute.

Thanks so much to everyone who has volunteered to read to our class!  Below is a copy of the schedule that I made for next week.  Please let family members know their assigned time.  I will not be here on Monday, but if you would like to read during any other open spot please just let me know. Also, it doesn't have to be next week.  We would love volunteers to come and read throughout the year.  Just let me know when you are available.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!


Katie Bustos
CCSN Baseball Player
Lisa Pike
Maggie Buchanan
Danny Welsh

Chance Mannino
Brett Fields
Teacher Swap
Edward Gutierrez
Timithy Lee Callaway
Suzanne Mannino
Ali Jun
Rachele Barret
Susie Johnson

Gracie Gutierrez
Tina or Dan
Averie’s Grandparents
Brianna Robinson