Monday, April 24, 2017

Kindergarten News

Dates and Reminders

Take Your Son's and Daughter's to Work Day -  4/27

Kinder Field Day -  4/28 @ 9:30 AM
This event will be kindergarten only.  This is also 90's day, but our students will be given field day shirts to wear. Please also make sure your child wears a hat, sneakers and sunscreen.  We do need volunteers for this event so please let me know if you are available!   Mom's and Muffins is also at 8:30 AM on this day.  

Mother's Day Presentation- 5/12 @ 9:15 AM 
This is a small event that will take place in our classroom. We will read a story and sing a song, both will make you cry! Please feel free to send grandma, aunt or dad if mom can't make it.  We will be making gifts for mom's and all students will need a glass jar for this activity.   The jars can be from anything- jelly, spaghetti, pickles, or even mason jars.  Please send the jars as soon as possible.  Please clean the jar and remove the label before sending it in.  Thank you! 

Water Day- 5/26 @ 9:30 AM 
This will be on the kindergarten playground.  We will need volunteers for this event.  
Our class will participate in the morning with Ms. Fiscus, Mrs. Swanson and Mrs. Hall's class. 

Kindergarten Promotion- 6/7 @ 10:00 AM 
Our promotion ceremony will be held in the multipurpose/lunch room.  Students will wear our special kid drawn shirts or a royal blue shirt.  We will perform with Ms. Fiscus, Mrs. Swanson and Mrs. Hall's class. 

Shoe Boxes- All students will need an empty shoe box for our time capsule project in May. There is no rush, but please save your shoe boxes.  Thanks!

What We are Learning

Thematic Big Book/Shared Reading- This week we are learning about the life cycle of a butterfly.  Our caterpillars have just formed their chrysalis!
Phonics- We will work on handwriting, letter sounds and using letters and sounds to spell and read words.  This week we will focus on -unk and -ink words.
Writing- This week will will work on the writing process and we practice writing books.  

Math-This week we will work with number bonds using teen numbers.  We will compose and decompose numbers up to 20!

Thanks for all that you do!

Mrs. Kalnicki

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Kindergarten and School Events

Hi everyone!  I did not send out a newsletter this week, but we have a lot of events coming up and I want to make sure you all have the dates and times.  Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day!

PTA Carnival- 4/21 @ 4:30 PM 
This PTA event will take place on the large playground.  The event is free but there will be food and raffle tickets for sale.

Student Treasures/Our Class Book- Due by 4/21
Please make sure to return your order form by Friday if you would like to order our class book.  I have extra order forms if you need one!

Kinder Field Day -  4/28 @ 9:30 AM
This event will be kindergarten only.  This is also 90's day, but our students will be given field day shirts to wear. Please also make sure your child wears a hat, sneakers and sunscreen.  We do need volunteers for this event so please let me know if you are available!   Mom's and Muffins is also at 8:30 AM on this day.  

Mother's Day Presentation- 5/12 @ 9:15 AM 
This is a small event that will take place in our classroom. We will read a story and sing a song, both will make you cry! Please feel free to send grandma, aunt or dad if mom can't make it.  We will be making gifts for mom's and all students will need a glass jar for this activity.   The jars can be from anything- jelly, spaghetti, pickles, or even mason jars.  Please send the jars as soon as possible.  Please clean the jar and remove the label before sending it in.  Thank you! 

Water Day- 5/26 @ 9:30 AM 
This will be on the kindergarten playground.  We will need volunteers for this event.  
Our class will participate in the morning with Ms. Fiscus, Mrs. Swanson and Mrs. Hall's class. 

Kindergarten Promotion- 6/7 @ 10:00 AM 
Our promotion ceremony will be held in the multipurpose/lunch room.  Students will wear our special kid drawn shirts or a royal blue shirt.  We will perform with Ms. Fiscus, Mrs. Swanson and Mrs. Hall's class. 

Shoe Boxes- All students will need an empty shoe box for our time capsule project in May. There is no rush, but please save your shoe boxes.  Thanks!

Thanks for all that you do!

Mrs. Kalnicki

Monday, April 3, 2017

Kindergarten News

What We are Learning

Thematic Big Book/Shared Reading- This week we will study a book called The Easter Bunny's Assistant, and we will learn about cause and effect, we will do some how to writing, and we will decorate eggs.  Please let me know if you can donate items for this activity. 
Phonics- We will work on handwriting, letter sounds and using letters and sounds to spell and read words.  This week we will focus on digraphs (chsh, and th).
Writing- This week we will begin working on the writing process to create a class book.  The Student Treasures order form will come home today.
Math-This week we will continue to work on composing teen numbers into groups of tens and ones.

Student Treasures Book Orders
Order forms for our class book will come home today.  Please return the order even if you are not ordering a book (just check no and sign).  That way our class can get a free book for our library.  Thanks!

There is no poem this week.  Our family project is to decorate a kite.  It will come home today and is due on Friday.  

Please practice reading group books and sight words everyday.

Spirit Days & Classroom Events

April 7:         Hat Day
April 10-14:   Spring Break
April 21st      PTA Spring Carnival
April 28th      Kindergarten Field Day (More Information Coming Soon)