Sunday, June 4, 2017

Last Week of School

The Last Week…

*No homework this week! J

*Kinder promotion will be on Wednesday, June 7th @ 10:00 AM in the Multipurpose Room. Refreshments will follow on the Kinder playground. Your child should wear their self-portrait t-shirt.  

*The last day of school (June 8th) is a half day. Dismissal will be at 12:50 PM and there will be NO afternoon Safekey. We are asking that each child bring a lunch from home, as we will have a picnic on the playground to celebrate our last day. School lunch will not be served. No Backpacks on Wednesday. 

*We are completely out of snack. L If you would like to send in something small for us to share this last week, it would be greatly appreciated! 

*There is no homework this week.  However, I will be sending home a summer learning packet.  As I will be going to a new school next year your child will not need to return this packet to me, but I encourage you to help your child complete this packet and to reward their hard work.  I have heard from parents in the past that this packet helped not only to prevent summer slide, but to further their child's learning.  It will be worth the work!