National Board Certification
Today I will send home a release form asking that I be able to video tape lessons in class in order to obtain my National Board Certification. The letter will have more details, but I would really appreciate your support! The part to sign is on the back of the letter. Thank you so much!
This week I will send home name writing practice in addition to our weekly poetry homework. Please help your child practice writing his or her name using an uppercase letter for the first letter, and lowercase letters for the rest. Please help your child write letters appropriately (not starting at the bottom).
Please remember that kindergarten age students should have about 15 minutes of homework each evening. While some children do enjoy working for longer periods of time, we want to make sure that homework is not stressful for your child. One trick might be to set a timer and let your child know that if he or she works really hard for 15 minutes, they will be done when the timer goes off.
I am really hoping that your child's kindergarten year can be one where he or she learns to love school.
Free Dress
Thanks to their behavior in the lunchroom and during specials, our class has earned a free dress day! So, we will have free dress this Friday!
Save the Date
Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast/Performance- Tentatively scheduled for Friday, November 18th at 1:30 PM.
Kindergarten Caroling- Tentatively scheduled for Friday, December 16th at 1:30 PM.
Spirit Days
Friday, October 21st- College Day
Monday, October 31st- Costume Day, Trunk or Treat
Friday, November 18th-Twin Day
Friday, December 16th-Pajama Day/Santa Hat Day
Water Bottles
What We are Learning…
Thematic Big Book/Shared Reading: This week we will read lots of books about fire safety. Our Big Book is called Fire! Fire! Said Mrs. McGuire. We'll have a Fire Safety talk on Tuesday from Smokey the Bear and our local fire station will come with their truck later this week!
Phonics: This week we will complete our classroom alphabet line. We will then go back and re-visit each letter. We will practice handwriting, letter sounds and using letters and sounds to spell and read words. This week we will focus on the letters Mm and Ss.
Sight Words: Our new sight word this week is SAID.
Daily Five: This week we will rotate through our Daily Five centers in small groups. During class students will get a chance to read independently and with a buddy, they will listen to stories, work with words and work on writing.
Writing: We will continue to write teaching stories, we will stretch out words and write the sounds we hear to label our pictures. We will focus on persevering even when words or pictures are difficult to write or draw. This week we will begin identifying our personal writing goals and working on these goals.
Math: We will finish our unit on shapes and positional words. We will begin working with numbers through ten and finding different ways to show the number 6. An example of this would be 2 and 4, 1 and 5, 3 and 3. At this point in the year we are not working with addition or subtraction symbols.
Helpful Websites
Discovery Kids
Donors Choose Are looking for a way to help our class? We are looking for some additional seating options for our classroom. Please consider donating to my Donors Choose project.
Thanks so much to all of the families who have already contributed, we are getting closer to meeting our goal!
Have a great day!
:) Mrs. Kalnicki
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