Saturday, November 5, 2016

Thankful in Kindergarten

The next couple of weeks are going to be very busy!  Here are some reminders about our schedule.  Please note that time of our play has changed to 10:45AM.  

Friday, November 18th
Kindergarten Thanksgiving Play-Our class will perform at 10:45 on the amphitheater, located on the big kid playground (this time has changed due to the family picnic).

The family picnic is scheduled to begin at 11:30 and will also take place on the big kid playground.  Kindergarten-2nd grade students will be outside from 11:30-12:30 and students in 3rd-5th grade will be outside from 12:00-1:00. I hope that this change will make it easier for you to come to the play and stay for the picnic.

Please let me know if you will not be able to make it to the picnic so that I can make arrangements for your child to sit with a friend and their family.  

Reading Group Books Please make sure your child brings their reading group book to school, in the book baggie (ziploc), everyday.  The best thing to do is to read the book and return it immediately to the book baggie.  The sight word book and reading log should also stay in the bag.  You can take the flashcards out to keep at home.  Thanks so much!

What We are Learning…

Thematic Big Book/Shared Reading: The next few weeks are all about Thanksgiving.  We will read lots of Thanksgiving stories and rehearse for our performance. 
Phonics:  We will work on handwriting, letter sounds and using letters and sounds to spell and read words.  This week we will focus on the letters Rr, Ll, Pp and Oo.  
Sight Words: ARE, IS
Writing: Writing sentences, sounding out words
Math: Numbers, 11-20.  Please help your child recognize numbers 0-20
Science: Sink or Float STEM Challenge- Why do some things float?  How can we make things float?

Save the Date

Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast/Performance- Friday, November 18th at 10:45AM
Family Picnic Day-Our class will be outside from 11:30-12:30.
Kindergarten Caroling- Tentatively scheduled for Friday, December 16th at 1:30 PM.
November 21-25, No School

Spirit Days

Friday, November 18th-Twin Day
Friday, December 16th-Pajama Day/Santa Hat Day

 Donors Choose 

Are looking for a way to help our class?  We are looking for some additional seating options for our classroom.  Please consider donating to my Donors Choose project.
Thanks so much to all of the families who have already contributed; we are getting closer to meeting our goal! Our Project

If you are not able to donate to our project, but would still like to help, our class is currently in need of the following items:

Sidewalk Chalk

Water Bottles

Please remember to send your child with a water bottle each day.  

Helpful Websites

Please let me know if you have any questions!  Have a great weekend!

:) Mrs. Kalnicki

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