Sunday, September 25, 2016

Apples in Kindergarten

What We are Learning…

Big Book/Shared Reading: This week we will read fiction and informational books about apples, our classroom poem is called Apple Happy.
Phonics: We are working on creating our classroom alphabet book and alphabet wall.
Phonemic Awareness: We are working on rhyming, isolation, and syllables. 
Sight Words: Our new sight word this week is CAN.
Daily Five: This week we will rotate through our Daily Five centers in small groups.  During class students will get a chance to read independently and with a buddy, they will listen to stories, work with words and work on writing.
Writing: We will continue to write teaching stories, we will stretch out words and write the sounds we hear to label our pictures.  We will focus on persevering even when words or pictures are difficult to write or draw.
Math: We are learning about 2 dimensional shapes, we will continue to practice counting and writing numbers to 10.

Save the Date

Fun Run: The Fun Run kick off will be tomorrow, Tuesday, September 27th.  Your child will bring information about this fundraiser home tomorrow.  The Fun Run will be Thursday, October 6th @ 9:30, you are all welcome to come and cheer on your runners!

Teddy Bear Picnic: Friday, October 7th (1:30-2:30 PM)- Please join us for our Teddy Bear Picnic, bring a blanket and a snack for your family and enjoy getting to know your child's classmates and families.  For this even we are asking parents to donate Teddy Grahams and Gummy Bears.  Please let me know if you can help out.  Thanks!

Spirit Days

Friday, October 21st- College Day
Monday, October 31st- Costume Day, Trunk or Treat
Friday, November 18th-Twin Day
Friday, December 16th-Pajama Day/Santa Hat Day

Water Bottles

Please remember to send your child with a water bottle each day.  I do purchase some extra water bottles that children my "buy" with a beach buck, but there is a limited supply.  Thanks!

Helpful Websites



Discovery Kids




Donors Choose Are looking for a way to help our class?  We are looking for some additional seating options for our classroom.  Please consider donating to my Donors Choose project.  
Thanks so much to all of the families who have already contributed, we are getting closer to meeting our goal! 

Have a great day!

:) Mrs. Kalnicki

Monday, September 19, 2016

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

What We are Learning…

Big Book/Shared Reading: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom/A My Name is Alice
PhonicsCreating our Classroom Alphabet Book and Alphabet Wall
Phonemic Awareness: Rhyming, isolation, syllables 
Sight Words: LIKE
Daily Five: We are learning to Read to Ourselves, Buddy Reading, Work on Writing and Word Work
Writing: We will continue to write teaching stories, we will focus on stretching words and thinking about writing
Math: We are learning about 2 dimensional shapes, we will continue to practice counting and writing numbers to 10

Save the Date

Friday, September 23rd- Superhero Day: this is a free dress day, students may wear superhero t-shirts or dress like superheroes.  Please keep weather conditions and restroom independence in mind.  Thanks!

Friday, October 7th (1:30-2:30 PM)- Please join us for our Teddy Bear Picnic, bring a blanket and a snack for your family and enjoy getting to know your child's classmates and families.  More information will be sent home soon!

Blue Folders

Blue folders will be collected each Friday and returned each Monday.  Your child's folder is now labeled with 2 sides, Keep at Home and Return to School.  Please go through your child's folder each evening and help him or her learn to organize the folder.  If your child did not turn his or her homework in on Friday, I will collect it the following Friday.   Thanks so much!

Water Bottles

Please remember to send your child with a water bottle each day.  I do purchase some extra water bottles that children my "buy" with a beach buck, but there is a limited supply.  Thanks!

Are looking for a way to help our class?  We are looking for some additional seating options for our classroom.  Please consider donating to my Donors Choose project.  Thanks for your support!  Our Project

Have a great day!

:) Mrs. Kalnicki

Monday, September 5, 2016

First Week of Kindergarten 2016


Thank you for a wonderful first week of kindergarten.  The kids did a fantastic job.  I am enjoying getting to know each and every one of them! After the second week of school, our newsletters will only be posted on our classroom website.  I will send a link to the newsletter each week via  Please be sure to sign up for if you haven’t already done so! To sign up you only need to open your web browser on your smart phone and go to  If you don’t have a smart phone, text @kalni to 81010.

What We are Learning…

These first few weeks of school are all about procedures and routines.  
We are mostly learning how to “do” school. 
We will begin kindergarten assessments this week.
The following is only a brief synopsis of what we will learn this week, but I hope that it will help you start a conversation with your child about what he or she is learning in school. 

Big Book: Brown Bear, Brown Bear
Phonics: Creating our Classroom Alphabet Book and Alphabet Wall
Phonemic Awareness: Isolation-What sound do you hear at the beginning of hat?
Sight Words: the and see
Daily Five: We are learning to Read to Ourselves
Writing: Routine’s, drawing and labeling pictures
Math: Counting to tell how many, writing and recognizing numbers

Back to School Night

Tonight is Back to School Night/Open House from 6:00-7:30.  Please come to learn all about Kindergarten.  In an effort to be respectful of your time, please find child care for this event if possible.  I have a lot of information to present. :)

Donors Choose

Are looking for a way to help our class?  We are looking for some additional seating options for our classroom.  Please consider donating to my Donors Choose project.  Thanks for your support!
Our Project

Picture Day

Picture day is Wednesday, September 7th.  
All students will be photographed for the yearbook and lunch cards.  
This is a "Free Dress" day for all students. 


Homework starts today.  Your child received a blue homework/communication folder and a file for songs and poems.  
The file should stay at home but please make sure that your child brings his or her blue folder to school everyday. 
There is a letter in the folder explaining the homework. Thank you!

Water Bottles

Please remember to send your child with a water bottle everyday. Water bottles are REALLY necessary right now when it is so hot outside.  You can even send two!   Please write your child’s name or initials on his or her water bottle. 
Thank you!

Classroom Directory

I am planning to send home our classroom directory next Monday.  If you have not returned your paperwork and you would like to be included in the directory please let me know as soon as possible.  Our classroom directory information will be shared with all members of our classroom. 

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this!  
It is going to be a fantastic year in kindergarten!

:) Mrs. Kalnicki