What We are Learning…
Big Book/Shared Reading: This week we will read
fiction and informational books about apples, our classroom poem is called Apple Happy.
Phonics: We are working on creating our classroom
alphabet book and alphabet wall.
Phonemic Awareness: We are working on rhyming,
isolation, and syllables.
Sight Words: Our new sight word this week is
Daily Five: This week we will rotate through our
Daily Five centers in small groups.
During class students will get a chance to read independently and with a
buddy, they will listen to stories, work with words and work on writing.
Writing: We will continue to write teaching
stories, we will stretch out words and write the sounds we hear to label our
pictures. We will focus on persevering
even when words or pictures are difficult to write or draw.
Math: We are learning about 2 dimensional shapes,
we will continue to practice counting and writing numbers to 10.
Save the Date
Fun Run: The Fun Run kick off will be tomorrow, Tuesday, September 27th. Your child will bring information about this fundraiser home tomorrow. The Fun Run will be Thursday, October 6th @ 9:30, you are all welcome to come and cheer on your runners!
Teddy Bear Picnic: Friday, October 7th
(1:30-2:30 PM)- Please join us for our Teddy Bear Picnic, bring a blanket and a
snack for your family and enjoy getting to know your child's classmates and
families. For this even we are asking parents to donate Teddy Grahams and Gummy Bears. Please let me know if you can help out. Thanks!
Spirit Days
Friday, October 21st- College Day
Monday, October 31st- Costume Day, Trunk or Treat
Friday, November 18th-Twin Day
Friday, December 16th-Pajama Day/Santa Hat Day
Water Bottles
Please remember to
send your child with a water bottle each day. I do purchase some extra
water bottles that children my "buy" with a beach buck, but there is
a limited supply. Thanks!
Helpful Websites
Discovery Kids
Donors Choose Are looking for a way
to help our class? We are looking for some additional seating options for
our classroom. Please consider donating to my Donors Choose project.
Thanks so much to all of the families who have already contributed, we are getting closer to meeting our goal!
Have a great day!
:) Mrs. Kalnicki
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