Monday, September 19, 2016

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

What We are Learning…

Big Book/Shared Reading: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom/A My Name is Alice
PhonicsCreating our Classroom Alphabet Book and Alphabet Wall
Phonemic Awareness: Rhyming, isolation, syllables 
Sight Words: LIKE
Daily Five: We are learning to Read to Ourselves, Buddy Reading, Work on Writing and Word Work
Writing: We will continue to write teaching stories, we will focus on stretching words and thinking about writing
Math: We are learning about 2 dimensional shapes, we will continue to practice counting and writing numbers to 10

Save the Date

Friday, September 23rd- Superhero Day: this is a free dress day, students may wear superhero t-shirts or dress like superheroes.  Please keep weather conditions and restroom independence in mind.  Thanks!

Friday, October 7th (1:30-2:30 PM)- Please join us for our Teddy Bear Picnic, bring a blanket and a snack for your family and enjoy getting to know your child's classmates and families.  More information will be sent home soon!

Blue Folders

Blue folders will be collected each Friday and returned each Monday.  Your child's folder is now labeled with 2 sides, Keep at Home and Return to School.  Please go through your child's folder each evening and help him or her learn to organize the folder.  If your child did not turn his or her homework in on Friday, I will collect it the following Friday.   Thanks so much!

Water Bottles

Please remember to send your child with a water bottle each day.  I do purchase some extra water bottles that children my "buy" with a beach buck, but there is a limited supply.  Thanks!

Are looking for a way to help our class?  We are looking for some additional seating options for our classroom.  Please consider donating to my Donors Choose project.  Thanks for your support!  Our Project

Have a great day!

:) Mrs. Kalnicki

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